If thou tastest a crust of bread,
thou tastest all the stars and all the heavens
— Robert Browning


In March 1993 Ingo Diehl started a small bakery on the North Shore, to produce high quality German style bread. Over the next 20 years he gradually expanded it to one of the best traditional German bakeries in New Zealand.

In 2015 he was joined by Meinolf Kraeling a German Baker with 40 years of baking experience. Meinolf fell in love with New Zealand while on a holiday so that he set everything in motion to combine his passion for baking with his new love for the land of the long white cloud.

In April 2017 Meinolf took ownership of this hidden treasure on the NorthShore. He's still pouring all of his knowledge as a German Master Baker into a wonderful range of baking products.

Our large number of very happy customer are a testimony of our quality and taste.